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SPIC Helps Its Partners in Myanmar and Chile in Fighting the Epidemic


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  Recently, SPIC donates a batch of epidemic prevention supplies to the embassies of Myanmar and Chile respectively to support both governments in fighting the COVID-19 epidemic. U Myo Thant Pe, Burmese Ambassador to China and Luis Schmidt, Chilean Ambassador to China attend the donation ceremony in person respectively, to thank SPIC for lending a helping hand to the people of their own countries at the critical moment of fighting the epidemic. They speak highly of the fruitful cooperation projects of SPIC in the two countries.

  Faced with the grim situation of global COVID-19 epidemic, SPIC fully implements the decisions, plans and work requirements of the CPC central committee and the state council on strengthening the prevention and control of overseas epidemics. On the one hand, efforts are made to promote the prevention and control of overseas projects and personnel, which ensures the safety and health of overseas personnel. The group issues 11 documents concerning the prevention and control of the overseas epidemic to the relevant secondary units, including 6 department notices, 5 leading group documents and 2 letters, to fully deploy overseas epidemic prevention and control work, promote overseas projects to meet the challenges of the epidemic in a safe way and achieve stable production.

  On the other hand, it actively fulfills its social responsibilities and helps foreign partners to jointly fight the epidemic. While doing a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic, the overseas institutions of SPIC also provide support within their capacity to the government agencies of the host countries and the communities where the projects are located, so as to help the partners to actively respond to the epidemic challenges.